Spot04191.pngEditing cables

Reshape a cable run by double-clicking on it, or by right-clicking on it and selecting Edit Path from the context menu. The Reshape tool is automatically activated to reshape the object. After reshaping, the cable run parts are regenerated using the correct number of parts based on the inventory and new cable length, and the connections update. 

Similarly, a cable run automatically adapts when the cable path it follows is reshaped, or when the cable path or truss system path is moved or rotated.

The Split tool splits an existing cable into multiple cable parts. Use this tool to split (break) cables in a specific spot, allowing control over the location of connectors in the cable run. For example, you might need to note a cable break for a door that must be allowed to open and close, or a truss that has to move into position at a different time from another truss. Split cables share the same Cable Run ID and connections.

Cable objects can be directly edited from the Object Info palette, and the cable appearance is edited by clicking Settings from the Object Info palette. For cables using object styles, the parameters that are set by style display for informational purposes and cannot be edited. Many of the Object Info palette parameters are for informational and reporting purposes.




Replace, remove, or edit the current style, or create a new plug-in object style for this object; see Objectstijlen wijzigen vanuit het Infopalet.

Editing a style changes all instances in the file that use the style.

Hide style parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the dialog box or Object Info palette


Opens the Cable Settings dialog box, to specify the type, connection, and appearance of the cable; see Cable settings

Cable Type

Displays the type of cable (feeder, data, jumper, or multi)

Cable Run ID

Names the cable run, which is useful for labels, schedules, and other worksheets.

This ID can also be used by ConnectCAD circuits to associate the cable with a circuit (ConnectCAD required). In ConnectCAD, the shortest route through the network is assigned by default. Using a Spotlight cable object and assigning it to the circuit in question overrides this; the length and routing of the cable object is used instead of the automatically calculated route.


Indicates the universe assigned to the cable

Rack ID

Names the rack to which the cable connects

Box ID

Provides the distribution box name

Port ID

Names the port where the cable plugs in

Loom ID

Names the loom or bundle that includes the cable

Tape Color Code

Identifies the cable with a color code, which can be used to label racks and breaks


Displays the connected object (distributor, electrical device) at the start and end of the cable

Adapter Start/End

If an adapter is present at the start or end of the cable, select it from the list. Enter text in the search box to filter the list.


Specifies the cable location


Specifies the cable voltage provided by the power source


Specifies the maximum amperage for the power source


Displays the total length of the cable run

Cable Configuration

Opens the Cable Configuration dialog box, to specifically define the cable portions that make up the cable run; see Cable run configuration

User Field 1/2/3

Adds optional notes or comments about the cable, useful for reporting purposes. Field 3 is for entering a number only.

Voltage Drop

Displays the amount of voltage lost to cable resistance

Start Connector/End Connector

Specifies the connector at either end of the cable; select a different connector if needed

Select by Length

Selects all cables with the same length as that of the currently selected cable; this quickly identifies where the cable is used in the drawing for editing or other purposes

Load Information

A cable is considered a load in Braceworks calculations; if the insertion point is on a structural element, it is considered to be a load on that structure. Load information is used for Braceworks calculations and reports (Braceworks required).

Include in calculations

(Braceworks required)

Includes the cable in Braceworks calculations; deselect to exclude the object from participating in structural calculations

Load Group Name

The load category is always Cable

Load ID

Enter a unique ID for the load for informational use in reports

Load Name

Identifies the object in load calculations; normally the object name is used

Distributed Weight

Specifies the distributed weight of the cable; changes here affect the Total Weight value

Total Weight

Enter the total weight of the object


Displays the name of the associated rigging object, if the cable is attached. Optionally, attach this object to a rigging object, or change the rigging object association, by entering the Position Name of the rigging object. Delete the name to break the association.

For other methods to attach loads, see Making the attachment.

Cable settings

When using a cable style, the cable appearance, type, connectors, class settings, and data tags are preset. The settings can be adjusted if needed, and a new cable style resource can be created.

To change the cable settings:

From the Object Info palette of a selected cable run, click Settings.

The Cable Settings dialog box opens.



Use Style

From the Resource Selector, double-click a cable style to apply it. See Concept: Objectstijlen voor parametrische objecten.

Convert to Unstyled

Converts a styled cable to unstyled for editing; the current values are retained, but all parameters on all panes are set to By Instance to allow editing



Tape Color Code

Identifies the cable with a color code, which can be used to label racks and breaks

Start Connector/ End Connector

Specifies the connector at either end of the cable

Cable Type

Select one of the cable types

Connector Marker

Select a marker to indicate where connectors are located along the cable run


2D Visualization


Line Style

Select a line style and thickness for the cable

Line Start Marker/Line End Marker

Specify a starting and ending marker for the cable

Middle Text Fill

Select whether the middle cable label text should have a solid fill or no fill; the fill color is set by the class on the Classes pane


To control appearance and visibility of the various labels and portions of the cable, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class

Data Tags


Data tag list

Displays the data tags that will attach to the cable at insertion, and where they will be inserted; see Gegevenslabels gebruiken.

Click the Add button to populate the list. Then select a data tag from the list and set the parameters.


Adds a data tag to the list


Removes the selected data tag from the list

Data Tag Symbol

Click the Resource Selector to select a data tag symbol. Navigate to the Entertainment folder and select the Cable Distributor file to display the data tags for cables. 

Insert at

Select where to position the data tag: at the start, mid-point, or end of the cable run, or at the start of each cable part in the cable run. 

When placing a data tag at the start of the cable run, if you want the tag to include the name of the first cable in the run, add the UsedPartsOrdered field to the data tag definition; see Gegevenslabels bewerken.


Specify the distance to offset the data tag from the cable

Rotate with cable

Rotates the data tag to match the angle of the closest cable part


Select a class for the data tag from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class

Optionally, create a style resource from the object (see Objectstijlen creëren).

Cable run configuration

A cable run is made up of cable parts of specific types and lengths. The configuration of the cable run can be adjusted if needed.

To change the cable run configuration:

From the Object Info palette of a selected cable run, click Cable Configuration.

The Cable Configuration dialog box opens.



Available Parts

Lists the available cable parts


Enter text in the search box to filter the list

Only show compatible parts

Filters the list of available parts to show only the compatible parts (these have the same start and end connectors as the selected cable run)

Manage Cable Parts

Opens the Manage Cable Parts dialog box, for determining the cable parts that are available for use; see Managing cable parts


Adds a selected cable part from the available parts list to the selected parts list


Removes the selected cable from the configuration

Selected Parts

Lists the cable parts for the cable run

Summarize parts list

Lists the parts according to type, showing the quantities of each type of cable part

List all parts

Lists each cable part in the configuration in order. Drag and drop to rearrange the order.

Cable Information

Displays information about the cable run and how the length of the cable run was calculated.

Current Length: Total length of parts in the Selected Parts list; this value updates as the list changes.

Needed Length: Total length of the cable run required in the drawing.

The dimensions that comprise the Needed Length are shown below it.

Base Length: Length of the cable run geometry; this is the basis of the needed length.

+ Spare: Length of the spare cable, added to the base length.

+ Swag: Length of the cable swag, added to the base length.

- Start Distributor Length: Length of the start distributor’s output cable, deducted from the base length.

Voltage Drop: Percentage of voltage lost to cable resistance.

The Cable Information area shows the Needed Length and the Current Length. Locate the needed available cable parts and move them to the Selected Parts list to construct the cable run configuration. Use the < and > buttons, or simply drag and drop the cable parts between the lists.

If needed, adjust the cables that are in the available parts list by clicking Manage Cable Parts. Review the cable inventory and make any required changes.

Cable errors

If connection errors occur during placement, the Cable Errors dialog box opens, listing the problems and the affected connections. A different distributor, cable style, or connector may be needed, or an adapter may be required. To avoid future connection errors, select Automatically use adapters for future connection errors. This will add adapters to affected connections, ensuring that the appropriate connections can be made, and the errors dialog box will no longer open.

Drawing cables

Managing cable parts

Setting cable preferences

Creating a cable report