Connect04344.pngComparing the cable list and the drawing circuits



Compare Cable List and Drawing

ConnectCAD > Compare

This command allows you to compare the circuits in a list worksheet (a spreadsheet worksheet) to the circuits in the current layer; see Converting a worksheet to a list for information on creating a list worksheet. Discrepancies are indicated with markup so that you can easily edit the drawing. For example, you may need to update the drawing with edits from the installation site.

To compare the worksheet to the drawing:

Select the command.

The Select Worksheet dialog box opens. If a worksheet is currently open, it is already selected; otherwise, select the worksheet to compare to the drawing.

The worksheet and the drawing are compared. A new column labeled Check is inserted in the worksheet; discrepancies are noted there. On the drawing, the following problems are marked up:

Circuit numbers which differ between the drawing and the worksheet

Circuits in the worksheet, but not on the drawing (when the associated devices and sockets are present)

Circuits on the drawing, but not in the worksheet

Resolve problem areas or determine that they are not an issue for the current schematic drawing, and then remove the highlighted markup with the Clear Markup command.

Clearing drawing markup

Creating ConnectCAD reports

Connecting sockets

Zagadnienie: Arkusze kalkulacyjne - przegląd
