Spot03655.pngSetting the image on the video screen

Select an image to display on the television, video screen, or LED screen. The Vectorworks Spotlight product includes a number of sample images, or you can create your own textures. Textures must use an image color shader with constant reflectivity to display on the video screen (see Texturen creëren).

If the Vectorworks file is intended for Exporting to Vision, associate a video source with the screen, for video display during visualizations.

To set the video screen image:

Select a television, video screen object, blended screen, or LED screen object. From the Object Info palette, click Edit Screen Image or Edit Array Image.

The Edit Screen Image or Edit Array Image dialog box opens.



Screen Image

Opens the Resource Selector; double-click a resource to select it

Image Adjustments

If the selected image does not have the desired size or position in the Preview, adjust its scale or position


Increases or decreases the image scale

Horizontal Shift

Shifts the image horizontally to the left or right

Vertical Shift

Shifts the image vertically up or down

Tile Image

Repeats the image over the screen; deselect to show only a single instance of the image; does not apply to LED screens


Displays the screen image at the correct aspect ratio for the video screen

Select Vision Video Source

Opens the Select Vision Video Source dialog box, for Identifying a video source for the Vision program. The video source can consist of either a video file or a capture device. In Vectorworks, the screen displays the selected Screen Image regardless of the video source specified for Vision.

If needed, adjust the image scale, and shift the image horizontally or vertically until it appears correctly in the preview.

Inserting video screen objects

Inserting an LED screen 

Formatting video screen object labels