Spot04145.pngChecking loads and workloads

Load overview


Workspace: Path

Load Overview

Spotlight: Customize workspace to add command (see Werkomgevingen creëren en bewerken)

Braceworks: Braceworks

The Load Overview dialog box provides information about all the loads that participate in structural calculations. While Braceworks is required for performing the calculations, Spotlight users can also take advantage of the load information.

Selecting different loads with the filters on the summary tab adjusts the total load values that participate in calculations, to study the effects of various loads on the calculations.

To view the load information for the file:

Select the command.

The Load Overview dialog box opens. Three tabs provide information about the loads in the drawing.

Click the Load Summary tab to view summary data about the loads and load categories. The loads in the list participate in calculations (Braceworks required).



Load Categories

Displays the total weight of all loads and the total weight for each load category, including the weight added by safety factors specified in the Braceworks preferences (Braceworks required)

Show Forces

Toggles between displaying mass or force

Load Summary Data

Displays all of the load data in tabular form, grouped by Name.

The Single Weight column displays the weight of one of the items in the group (row) when they each weigh the same amount; Single Force shows the force of one of the items in the group, when they each apply the same force.

Double-click on a row to open the Edit Load dialog box; change the load properties if needed.


Filters the loads by load combination (as defined on the Load Combinations tab), and by selecting all loads, or only selected or visible loads

Filter Text

Enter text to filter the load results; only the loads that contain the filter text are included

Filter Load Category

Filters the loads according to load category; only loads in selected categories are included

Filter Load Type

Filters the loads according to load type; select whether point loads, distributed loads, or both load types are included


Automatically sends the load data to a Load Summary worksheet; if one already exists, the worksheet name is automatically incremented


Opens the Columns dialog box; select the columns to display in the load summary

Click the Load Details tab to see detailed information about all of the loads in the drawing (each individual load that is summed by rows on the Load Summary tab). The filters on this tab only apply to the current tab.

Double-click on a row item to select and center the item in the drawing.

The last column indicates whether an error or problem occurred related to the item (for example, its weight is 0 (zero) or the load is not attached to the system). Rows with errors display in red.



Load Data



Filters the loads by load combination (as defined on the Load Combinations tab), and by selecting All loads, or only selected or visible loads

Filter Text

Enter text to filter the load results; only the loads that contain the filter text are included

Filter Load Category

Filters the loads according to load category; only loads in selected categories are included

Filter Load Type

Filters the loads according to load type; select whether point loads, distributed loads, or both load types are included


Automatically sends the load data to a Load Details worksheet; if one already exists, the worksheet name is automatically incremented


Opens the Columns dialog box; select the columns to display in the load details

Click the Load Combinations tab to create specific combinations of loads, which can then be used to filter the loads on the other two tabs. A multiplication factor can be applied to various load combinations. Managing load combinations describes how to create and set load combinations.



Combination basis

Select either layer or class based

Edit Load Combination

Select a load combination to display it in the table on the right, for viewing and editing multiplication factors


Opens the Manage Load Combinations dialog box, for Managing load combinations


Displays the description of the currently selected combination

Export Table

Automatically sends the currently selected load combination to a Load Combinations worksheet; if one already exists, the worksheet name is automatically incremented


Displays the table of either layers or classes and multiplication factors for the currently selected load combination; see Managing load combinations

Apply load combinations to the Load Details or Load Summary tabs by selecting the combination name from the Calculation list. The combination can be used to filter by load and to apply multiplication factors to loads.

The loads listed on the Load Summary tab participate in Braceworks calculations.

Keuzelijsten in dialoogvensters bewerken

Managing load combinations