DesignSeries05076.pngSpring calculator


Configuration: Emplacement

Spring Calculator

Spotlight > Machine Design

The Spring Calculator command solves for spring rates and unit stresses based on compression spring parameters.

To calculate a spring rate:

Sélectionnez la commande.

The Spring Calculator dialog box opens.

Edit the compression spring parameters.

Cliquez pour afficher/masquer les paramètres.Cliquez pour afficher/masquer les paramètres.




Sets the spring dimension units to Inches, cm, or mm


Select the method; as data is entered, the other dimensions are automatically calculated


The fields available depend upon the Method and the Type of Ends selected

Outside Diameter

Enter the outside diameter

Mean Diameter

Enter the mean diameter

Wire Diameter

Enter the wire diameter

Solid Height

Enter the solid height

No. of Active Coils

Enter the number of active coils

Type of Ends

Select Closed and Ground, Open and Ground, Closed, or Open to set the type of ends on the spring


The properties of the spring can be selected from the list or manually entered


Select the material to be used for the spring or select <Other> to set the Modulus of Elasticity manually

Mod. of Elasticity

Automatically entered based on the material selected; displayed in pounds per square inch, newtons per square centimeter, or newtons per square millimeter, depending on selected units. If <Other> is selected, enter the Modulus of Elasticity manually.

Spring Rate

Automatically calculated based on the spring parameters; displays in the selected units

Unit Stress

Automatically calculated based on the spring parameters; displays in the selected units

Place 2D spring on drawing

Draws a 2D spring according to the above parameters; if both check boxes are selected, the 2D and 3D springs are automatically aligned in the drawing

Place 3D spring on drawing

Draws a 3D spring according to the above parameters; if both check boxes are selected, the 2D and 3D springs are automatically aligned in the drawing

Click Close to exit the calculator.