DesignSeries05077.pngBelt length calculator


Configuration: Emplacement

Belt Length Calculator

Spotlight > Machine Design

The Belt Length Calculator solves for either belt length or center distance between two pulleys.

To calculate belt length or center distance:

Sélectionnez la commande.

The Belt Length Calculator dialog box opens.

Cliquez pour afficher/masquer les paramètres.Cliquez pour afficher/masquer les paramètres.




Select whether to calculate the Belt Length or the Center Distance between pulleys

(1) Diameter

Enter the first pitch diameter

(2) Diameter

Enter the second pitch diameter

(3) Center Distance

If calculating the belt length, enter the Center Distance

Belt Length

If calculating the center distance, enter the Belt Length

Place data on drawing

Places the calculated data on the drawing

Enter the known values, and then click Solve.

The belt length or center distance value displays.

If the center distance value is unknown, leave the field blank, and then click Solve. The minimum distance is displayed. Click Solve again to solve for the belt length based on the minimum center distance.

Click Close to exit the calculator.

Chain length calculator