Shaft segment properties

To add, delete, or modify component segments to construct the desired shaft object:

Select a shaft in the drawing file and click the Configuration button from the Object Info palette.

While the currently selected segment is highlighted, specify the shaft segment parameters on each tab to define the shaft. Click the Update button to dynamically change the preview when changes are made.

Click the Dimensions tab to specify the configuration of the shaft segment.







< Add/Add >

Click < Add to add a shaft segment to the left of the current segment or click Add > to add a shaft segment to the right of the current segment


Deletes the current shaft segment

< Previous/Next >

Click Previous to select the shaft segment to the left of the current segment or click Next to select the shaft segment to the right of the current segment


Updates the preview image for the current segment

Segment Type

Select a straight, tapered, or threaded shaft segment type


Segment Length

Specify the shaft segment length


For straight or tapered segments, enter the diameter of the ends


For straight or tapered segments, select the end style

Chamfer Length

For straight or tapered segments, specify the length for chamfer/flare ends styles

Chamfer Angle

For straight or tapered segments, specify the angle value for chamfer/flare ends styles

Fillet Radius

For straight or tapered segments, specify the radius value for fillet/radius end styles

Thread Type

For threaded segments, select the standard inch or metric thread series, or select special threads to specify custom, Acme, or bearing locknut thread parameters; the selection in this field enables the associated thread size parameter or Special Threads button

Inch Sizes

For standard inch series, select the thread size and threads per inch

Metric Sizes

For standard metric series, select the thread size and pitch

Thread Spiral

For threaded segments, select whether to draw left hand or right hand threads

Thread Taper

For tapered pipe threads, select whether the taper points to the left or right

Special Threads

For threaded segments, click Special Threads to specify custom, acme, or bearing locknut thread parameters.

For custom threads, enter the outside diameter of threads, the thread pitch, the included angle of the threads, the flatness at both the top (at the outside diameter) and bottom (at the root diameter) of the threads, and the number of starts.

For Acme threads, enter the outside diameter of threads, the thread pitch, and select the included angle of the threads.

For bearing locknut threads, select the bearing locknut number, the thread relief position (if any), and add a keyway, if desired.

Left End/Right End

For threaded segments, select plain or chamfered for the left and right ends

Chamfer Length

For threaded segments, specify the length for chamfer end styles

Chamfer Angle

For threaded segments, specify the angle value for chamfer end styles

Click the Keyway tab to specify the configuration of the shaft segment keyway (straight Segment Type only).




Add Keyway

For straight segments, select Add Keyway to add a keyway to the current segment

Measure From

Select to measure the position of the keyway from the left or right end


Enter the distance from the end of the segment to the keyway

Key Standard

Select to insert either an imperial or metric keyway


Select to position the keyway in the front, top, bottom, or back of the segment

Parallel Keyway/Rectangular Keyway

Select to add a rectangular or parallel keyway; specify either a standard square or rectangular keyway, and enter the keyway length

Woodruff Keyway

Adds a woodruff keyway; select the nominal size

Click the Groove tab to specify the configuration of the shaft segment groove (straight Segment Type only).




Add Groove

For straight segments, select Add Groove to add a groove to the current segment

Measure From

Select to measure the position of the groove from the left or right end


Enter the distance from the end of the segment to the groove


Select to add a round, rectangular, or V-groove


Enter the groove width


Enter the groove depth

Click the Wrench Flats tab to specify the configuration of the shaft segment wrench flats (straight Segment Type only).




Add Wrench Flats

For straight segments, select Add Wrench Flats to add wrench flats to the current segment

Measure From

Select to measure the position of the wrench flats from the left or right end


Enter the distance from the end of the segment to the groove


Select to add single or double wrench flats


Enter the wrench flats length

Width Across Flats

Enter the width across flats of the wrench flats

To edit parameters, click Configuration from the Object Info palette, double-click the shaft, or select Edit from the context menu to open the Shaft dialog box. The following additional parameters can be modified directly from the Object info palette.




Click Configuration to open the Shaft Configuration dialog box

Add Center Drill

Draws the shaft with a center drill. Select either a plain or bell configuration for the center drill, select the size, and whether a center drill is drawn on the left, right, or both ends of the shaft.

Show Threads As

Select how to draw the 2D threaded shaft threads


Show Center Line

Draws the 2D shaft with center line(s)

Show Threads

Draws the 3D shaft with threads

Create Solid

Creates a generic solid from the individual 3D segments. For large, complex shafts, this will greatly reduce file size. Deselect this option when editing the shaft to speed the editing process.


Shaft break 2

Shaft break